5 Things Dog Walkers Wish Pet Owners Would Stop Doing

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Key Takeaways

  • Clear, direct communication is crucial for effective dog walking.
  • Accurate information and realistic expectations prevent misunderstandings.
  • Proper dog handling and tidy homes make walking more efficient.

Walking a dog is not just a stroll in the park—it's an art form.

Ever wondered what your dog walker thinks behind the leash?

Professional dog walkers have a unique perspective on our four-legged friends and their care needs, some of which might surprise you.

Dog walkers wish pet owners would streamline communication and set manageable expectations to enhance the care they provide.

With their extensive experience, dog walkers accumulate a wealth of practical knowledge.

They see a range of behaviors from both pets and owners, and that insight is invaluable in fostering a better walking experience.

Knowing what works and what doesn't, they often wish to share this with pet owners for everyone's benefit, furry friends included.

In this article

Not Providing Accurate Information

Hey there, pet parents!

Ever wondered what’s on your dog walker’s wish list?

Top of the chart is getting the full scoop on your furry friend.

See, dogs, like people, come with their own quirks and needs, and your dog walker's preparedness hinges on what you share.

So, let's chat about why keeping things transparent is a win-win for everyone.

  • Behavioral Traits: Does your pooch guard their toys like a dragon with treasure, or do they have a PhD in escape artistry? Spill those beans!
  • Health Issues: Is your pupper allergic to certain treats or maybe has a sensitive tummy? This isn’t the time for secrets; let's keep that tail wagging, not dragging.
  • Special Requirements: Need a slower walk for a senior dog or a bit more sprint for a hyper hound?

Remember, dog walkers aren’t mind readers (as cool as that would be).

Without the full story, they might face a few too many surprises.

Imagine the chaos of finding out your dog is a puller only when they’re chasing a squirrel across the park!

Now, I know you might think it's just a walk, but it's actually a finely choreographed dance between canine and human.

Each step, each interaction goes smoother when your dog walker knows the routine.

Plus, it's all about safety.

Spot-on info means fewer risks for Fido and their two-legged buddy!

Alright, you've got this!

Quick, clear, and complete info can turn a potential dog-walking drama into a stroll in the park.

Your dog walker thanks you, and your pup does, too (with extra tail wags and happy barks, of course)! 🐕💕

Setting Unrealistic Expectations

Hey there, pet parents!

Have you ever caught yourself thinking that your dog walker has superpowers?

Like being able to accommodate last-minute schedule changes or handling a pack of dogs with the finesse of a seasoned sled driver?

Let’s have a little chat about keeping things real and fair for both your furry friend and your dog walker.

First up, your dog walker is a champ, but remember, they can’t be at your beck and call 24/7.

Juggling numerous clients and their varying needs takes serious organizational skills, and respecting their time is key.

  • Availability: We all wish we could clone ourselves to be in two places at once, don't we? Unfortunately, dog walkers haven't cracked that code yet. They need a heads-up to plan their day effectively—no more assuming they can appear at a moment's notice!
  • Dog Capacity: Ever tried to handle a bunch of leashes at once? It’s like a very tangled game of Twister. Dog walkers have limits on how many dogs they can safely walk at one time. Ensuring everyone gets the attention and care they deserve means not overloading your walker with a canine crowd.

So, what can you do to avoid placing unrealistic burdens on your dog walker?

  • Plan Ahead: Try to book walks in advance and keep a consistent schedule. It helps both your pal and your walker set a smooth routine.
  • Communicate Clearly: If you've got a big, bouncy dog who loves to make friends, make sure your walker knows what they can handle. Transparency is always appreciated.

Remember, your dog walker wants the best for your pooch, just like you do!

Working together and setting reasonable expectations makes for happy tails all around.

Keep it real and your dog walker will thank you – with fewer tangled leashes and more wagging tails!

Not Securing the Dog Properly

Hey there, have you ever wondered, "Is my furry friend really secured for our stroll?" You're not alone!

It turns out, a poorly secured leash or harness isn't just a nuisance; it's a skip and a jump away from a lost or injured pooch.

Let's talk brass tacks about keeping your dog anchored while you two explore the world together.

Firstly, always check your dog's gear before leaving.

Clasps should be sturdy and the fit comfortable, but snug.

Remember, a collar might seem easy, but a harness gives you better control and can prevent neck injuries if your dog pulls—think of it as the seatbelt of dog walking.

Here's a quick hit list to keep Spot safe and secure:

  • Use a well-fitted harness or collar to distribute pressure safely.
  • Double-check closures for wear and tear.
  • Consider a martingale collar for escape artists that can’t slip backwards over their heads.

Did you know that a sudden squirrel sighting could turn into a high-speed chase if your pal isn't harnessed correctly?


But it's not all about the gear.

Your leash-wielding technique counts too.

Keep the leash short in busy areas for close control but stay relaxed—dogs can sense tension faster than they find that hidden treat under the couch.

Lastly, love those leisurely walks in the park?

Don't forget, staying hydrated is crucial for both you and your furball.

Bring along a portable water dish on those sunny day adventures.

There you have it: a little time checking the small stuff can lead to tail-wagging good times and peace of mind on your walks.

So, check that gear, grab some water, and happy walking!

Leaving Messy Homes

Hey there, pet parents!

Have you ever wondered how your home's tidiness affects your dog walker?

Imagine you're ready for a stroll, but first, you need to dodge a maze of toys, laundry, and who-knows-what-else.

Not the perfect start, right?

It's the same for your walker.

Keeping your space organized isn't just about making a good impression.

Your dog's leash, toys, and treats—where are they?

If your home is a game of "find the hidden objects," your dog walker loses precious time that could be spent on belly rubs or fetch in the park.

Check it out, here’s a quick tidiness checklist:

  • Leash: Hang it by the door; easy peasy!
  • Toys: Corral them in a basket; Fido’s treasure chest.
  • Treats: On a shelf or in a drawer, a tasty jackpot for good behavior.
  • Clutter: Keep floors clear; nobody wants an impromptu game of The Floor is Lava!

It's not just a courtesy; it's about safety too.

Stray objects can be trip hazards, and we definitely don't want any tumbles with tails wagging.

Your dog walker will thank you for making their visit smooth so they can focus on what's important – your furry best friend.

Remember, a tidy home equals a happy walker and a happier pup.

And who doesn't want to be the highlight of someone's day, canine or human?

So, pick up that sweater, clear the hallway, and let's make dog walking a walk in the park!

Not Communicating Clearly

Hey, you!

Yes, you, the awesome person who's juggling ten things at once and still finds time to care about your furry BFF (Best Furry Friend)!

Do you ever play that game where you try to guess what someone else is thinking?

Spoiler alert: It’s practically impossible, and that’s what's going on with your dog walker.

Imagine this: Your walker shows up, and your lovely pooch has a new allergy or switched to a glamorous new diet that's the canine equivalent of a celebrity detox.

Without a quick text or note from you, your walker’s in the dark, and Fido's routine might get as scrambled as an over-zealous egg.

Here's a pro tip: Keeping your dog happy is like a recipe - you need the right ingredients and instructions.

Not too spicy, folks!

So, if there are changes or specific quirks about your doggo's schedule, make a list.

It could be something like this:

  • 8 AM - Breakfast: 1 cup kibble, half a banana. Ignore the puppy eyes for more.
  • 12 PM - Walk: Max 30 mins. He's practicing for a marathon – just kidding! Keep it short and sweet.
  • 5 PM - Dinner: Same as breakfast (He’s very into routine).

Why not put your dog walker in the know?

They’re like your dog’s favorite DJ, ready to spin the perfect day, but they need your playlist.

You get the gist, right?

Crystal-clear communication means fewer mishaps, and more tail-wagging good times.

Your dog walker wants to be your hero, not the villain who accidentally fed Sir Barks-a-Lot the cat's food.


So, send that update, drop that note, or share that funny-but-essential tidbit about your dog’s latest quirks.

It’s a small step for you, but one giant leap for pet-kind.