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Alaskan Malamute Average Dog Weight
Alaskan malamutes fall into the category of big dogs. A three-month-old Alaskan malamute puppy weighs between twenty-five to thirty lb. At six months of age, they weigh 50 to 65 lb. Twelve months old Alaskan malamutes weigh 65 to 75 lb.
Alaskan malamutes mature when they are around nineteen months. Mature Alaskan malamutes weigh between 75 and 85 lb. The average dog weight for male Alaskan malamutes tends to weigh near the upper end of the range. The average dog weight for female Alaskan malamutes usually nears the lower end of the range.
Dobermann Average Dog Weight
Dobermann is one of the larger breeds of dogs. Adult Doberman dogs weigh anything between 60 lb to a hundred lb. Dobermann puppies usually weigh between 10 and 13 lb at two months.
Male Doberman puppies grow much quicker than female Doberman puppies and gain considerable weight. When six months old, female Dobermann puppies weigh between 20 and 25 lb, whereas male Dobermann puppies weigh 40 and 50 lb.
Dobermann dogs can reach adulthood at the age of ten months. The average dog weight for an adult female Doberman dog lies between twenty and thirty lb, and the average dog weight for an adult male Doberman dog lies between 60 to 65 lb, but it can sometimes weigh up to a hundred lb.
Shih Tzu Average Dog Weight
The average dog weight for baby Shih Tzu lies between 1.5 to 4 lb. For adult Shih Tzu, the healthy average weight range is from nine to 16 lb.
Chihuahua Average Dog Weight
The average dog weight for Chihuahuas varies according to their size. Baby Chihuahuas can weigh as little as 1.5 lb. Since Chihuahuas don’t grow much, an adult Chihuahua's average dog weight lies between four to eight lb.
On average, male Chihuahuas weigh slightly more than female Chihuahuas. Adult female Chihuahuas weigh 6 to 6.5 lb, whereas average adult male Chihuahuas weigh 7 to 7.5 lb.
Great Dane Average Dog Weight
Great Danes are one of the largest dog breeds; hence their average dog weight is comparatively greater than most other dog breeds. At birth, Great Danes weigh between 1 and 2 lb only. But they gain weight quickly, and a six-month-old Great Dane puppy weighs about ten to twenty lb.
The average dog weight for six-month-old Great Dane puppies is also greater than the average dog weight of all breeds combined and ranges between 70 to 105 lb.
Great Danes continue to gain weight as they age, with one-year-old Great Danes weighing 90 to 140 lb and mature Great Danes reaching the weight range of 100 to 200 lb.
American Eskimo Average Dog Weight
American Eskimo dogs are considered small dogs as even the biggest American Eskimo dogs don’t grow taller than nineteen inches. Toy American Eskimo dogs measure nine to twelve inches and weigh between 6 and 10 lb.
Miniature American Eskimo dogs measure between twelve and fifteen inches and weigh ten to twenty lb. Standard American Eskimo dogs measure fifteen to nineteen inches, and their average dog weight is usually between twenty-five and thirty-five lb.
Siberian Husky Average Dog Weight
Siberian Husky is a medium-sized dog breed. The average dog weight for one-month-old Siberian husky puppies lies three to five lb. At six months, Siberian husky puppies tend to weigh between 30 and 40 lb.
After six months of age, this dog breed doesn’t gain too much weight. Instead, they slowly and steadily put on weight, making the average dog weight for adult Siberian huskies to be between 45 to 60 lb.
While Siberian Huskies aren’t considered adults until they are two years old, they hardly gain any weight after their first year of growth.
The average dog weight for female Siberian huskies is lower than their male counterparts. Adult female Siberian huskies usually weigh between 35 to 50 lb.
Dachshund Average Dog Weight
Dachshund is a small breed with an average dog weight under 35 lb. Standard-sized dachshund dogs weigh between 16 to 32 lb, whereas miniature dogs weigh 11 lb and under. The average dog weight of baby dachshunds is only 1 to 3 lb. Most dachshund puppies reach adulthood in about eight to ten months.
Rottweiler Average Dog Weight
Rottweilers are categorized under large dog breeds. Eight weeks old baby Rottweilers can weigh between 13 to 16 lb. The weight of Rottweilers depends slightly on their gender. Females tend to weigh less than males on average.
Six months old female Rottweilers weigh around 63 lb, while male Rottweilers tend to weigh around 75 lb. The difference between the weight of male and female Rottweilers continues as they age, with a year-old female Rottweiler weighing about 93 lb and a year-old male Rottweiler weighing about 110 lb on average.
Though the average dog weight of Rottweilers is much greater than average dog weight in general, even when they are only a year old, Rottweilers can continue to put on weight steadily as they reach maturity. Mature female Rottweilers weigh about a hundred lb on average, whereas mature male Rottweilers weigh 115 to 125 lb.
German Shepherd Average Dog Weight
German Shepherd is medium to large-sized dogs, and their average dog weight reflects this trait. One-month-old German Shepherd puppies weigh about 7 to 10 lb. Up until six months of growth, German Shepherd gain weight quickly, resulting in six-month-old German Shepherd puppies weighing between 50 and 60 lb.
The weight range also depicts the difference between female and male German Shepherds as a female German Shepherd has the average dog weight near the lower end of the weight range whereas males weight near the higher end.
German Shepherds aren’t considered adults until they reach the age of eighteen months. Adult female German Shepherds weigh between 49 and 71 lb, and adult male German Shepherds weigh about 66 to 88 lb.
Labrador Retriever Average Dog Weight
This popular breed has an average dog weight of ten to fifteen lb at two months of age. Similar to German Shepherds, Labrador retrievers also gain weight quickly until six months. Six months old female Labrador retrievers have the average dog weight between 35 to 45 lb while males weigh slightly more in the range of 40 to 55 lb.
At one year, female Labrador retrievers weigh between 55 to 70 lb, whereas male Labrador retrievers weigh about 65 to 80 lb. While Labrador retrievers may continue to get taller until two years of age, they aren’t supposed to put on any more weight.
Healthy and ideal weight for male Labradors should stay between 65 to 80 lb, and it should stay in the range of 40 to 55 lb for female Labrador retrievers.
Beagle Average Dog Weight
Beagles are small to medium-sized dogs. Small beagles are under thirteen inches in height, whereas larger beagles, as big as medium-sized dogs, can measure thirteen to fifteen inches in height.
Small beagles weigh only about 2 to 3 lb when they are a month old. At six months of age, their weight ranges between 12 to 17 lb and between 16 to 20 lb when they are a year old.
On the other hand, larger beagles have an average dog weight of 3 to 4 lb when they are four weeks old. They weigh around 14 to 18 lb at the age of six months and between 20 and 30 lb when they have their first birthday.
While beagles may continue to grow until they are about a year and a half old, their average weight may hardly increase from twelve months old and their healthy weight stays the same as when they are a year old.
Poodle Average Dog Weight
Like Chihuahuas, Poodles can also have three different height traits, i.e., toy, miniature, and standard. The average dog weight for adult toy poodles is 6 to 9 lb, for miniature poodles is 15 to 17 lb, and about 45 to 70 lb for standard-sized poodles.
The weight of poodles depends directly on their heights. Toy poodles are only up to 10 inches tall, miniature poodles stand between 11 to 15 inches, and standard poodles stand fifteen inches above. Standard poodles can grow up to 22 inches tall.
Pembroke Welsh Corgi Average Dog Weight
The average dog weight for Pembroke Welsh corgi puppies is between 7 and 10 lb, with female puppies weighing 7 to 9 lb and male puppies weighing 8 to 10 lb. Female corgi puppies weigh between 17 to 21 lb at six months old, and male corgi puppies weigh between 17 to 24 lb.
On their first birthday, all corgi dogs should have an ideal minimum of 20 lb. The ideal maximum weight for female corgi dogs should be 26 lb while it can exceed 30 lb for one-year-old male corgi dogs.
Pembroke Welsh corgi dogs mature at age 2. From their first to the second birthday, female corgi dogs shouldn’t gain more than 2 lb, making the ideal body weight range for adult female corgi dogs between 22 to 28 lb. The ideal body weight range for mature male corgi dogs lies between 22 to 31 lb.
Dalmatian Average Dog Weight
Dalmatians are medium-sized dogs. Dalmatian puppies weigh between 15 to 25 lb when they are three months old. At six months, the average weight for Dalmatian puppies lies between 25 and 50 lb.
The large range for the average weight of Dalmatians depends on their nutrition, health, and physical activity. Some growing dogs can put on more weight despite being physically active. The differences between male and female Dalmatian dogs are also factored in the large weight range.
The difference in average weight becomes apparent as the Dalmatians age. One-year-old male Dalmatians can weigh between 34 and 67 lb, whereas one-year-old female Dalmatians should only weigh between 34 and 50 lb.
Like most other dog breeds, Dalmatians mature on reaching the age of 18 months and don’t gain much weight between twelve and eighteen months. The average dog weight for adult Dalmatians, males and females, lies between 34 to 67 lb.
Bloodhound Average Dog Weight
Bloodhounds are large dogs. Three-month-old bloodhound puppies weigh between 31 and 3 lb, and only six months old bloodhound puppies can have an average dog weight of medium-sized adult dogs at 60 to 70 lb.
Bloodhounds continue to grow and can weigh 85 to 105 lb, which is more than most dogs at the age of one year. Bloodhounds reach adulthood at the age of eighteen months and can weigh between 90 and 130 lb by the time they reach this age.
Pug Average Dog Weight
Pugs are the most popular of all small-sized dogs. One-month-old baby pugs only weigh between 1 and 2 lb. They gain weight most quickly until the age of six months, at which they weigh between 7 and 12 lb.
After six months, pugs should gain weight slowly and consistently. On their first birthday, pugs' weight should lie between 14 and 18 lb. Their weight may remain consistent from the age of nine to twelve months.
While pugs can keep growing for another six months, the adult weight for pugs shouldn’t increase beyond 18 lb. Pugs are more prone to developing complicated medical conditions compared to other dogs.
Hence, it is essential for pug owners to maintain their pet's healthy weight and help them avoid any health issues.
Shiba Inu Average Dog Weight
Shiba Inu are small to medium-sized dogs. The average dog weight for one-month-old Shiba Inu is 3 to 7 lb. They can gain up to ten lb of weight in the next 5 months and weigh between 12 to 17 lb when six months old.
Like most small and medium-sized dogs, weight gain for Shiba Inu after their half birthday slows down. Most Shiba Inu weigh between 17 and 23 lb at twelve months old.
While Shiba Inu dogs are considered an adult at the age of two years, the ideal average dog weight range for adult Shiba Inu dogs is the same as their ideal weight range on their first birthday.
Boxer Average Dog Weight
Boxer is a medium to large-sized dog breed. Boxer is another dog breed where the average body weight can differ for males and females, with females weighing a little less at the same age as males.
Two months old female boxer puppies weigh around 13 lb, while male boxer puppies weigh up to 18 lb when they are two months old. The difference in weight lessens between female and male boxer puppies when they become six months old, with female puppies weighing 42 lb and male puppies weighing 45 lb.
As boxers grow to twelve months in age, the average weight difference between female and male puppies increases and matches their weight when they are two months old. One-year-old female boxers weigh 58 lb, while one-year-old male boxers weigh about 63 lb.
As boxer puppies mature to two years old and become adults, female boxers have an average weight of 60 lb, and male boxers average 65 lb.
All the average dog weights can be easily maintained with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. Despite their varying weights, all dogs are active and playful animals.
Dog owners can keep their dog’s healthy weight maintained by taking the dog on regular walks and playing catch or other dog sports, such as fly ball, with them. Dogs are fond of participating in active exercises and can be trained for agility, jumping, or other tricks.
However, dog owners need to consult vets before starting their dogs on rigorous exercises. Some dog species, like pugs, may be incapable of performing high intensity exercises. But almost all dogs can benefit from a daily jog early in the morning.
Regular vet checkups can also alert dog owners when their dog is gaining weight so they can include more activity in their pet’s routine and put them on diet food to reach their target weight.