Do Black Labs Bark More Than Other Dog Breeds?

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If you live in a quiet area, you won’t want a dog that barks a lot. But black labs are fun, loving, and loyal, so how do they compare to other dog breeds?

Black labs are highly recognizable with dark and beautiful coats, but other than their appearance, they have many of the same traits as any other lab. They are bred with two dominant gene sets, meaning they have the most breed possibilities.

This dominant trait can result in a more active Lab, meaning they can bark compared to other dog breeds. But in general, Labs won’t bark more than other dogs despite their larger size and higher activity level. Also, black labs don’t necessarily bark more than different lab colors.

Black Labs are known for their energetic nature but tend to bark more than other breeds. They also tend to have heavier barks that sound loud, but this guide will compare labs and their barking to other dog breeds. You will notice more barking in playful scenarios, but when they are indoors and relaxing, there is no extra barking.

Some people argue that black labs bark more than other breeds because they have a higher energy level, but this isn’t necessarily true. We have analyzed the behavior of black labs to understand their bark triggers and explain more below.

In this article

Do Black Labs Bark More Than Other Dog Breeds?

If you’ve spent time researching potential dog breeds, you’ve probably heard about black labs and their tendency to bark. Perhaps you even know someone who has a black lab, and they mentioned it was because these dogs tend to be more vocal than other types of labs.

Are they right? Do black labs bark more than other lab dog breeds? That depends on the dog’s environment, training, and activity levels.

Black labs won’t bark more than other lab types, and in general, labs shouldn't bark more than other dog breeds unless they are in unfamiliar situations. This can be attributed to their high energy and ability to get bored or restless quickly.

It should also be mentioned that some barking is good, and a dog that never barks isn’t always good. Let’s break it down so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not a black lab is suitable for your family.

Do Black Labs Bark At Strangers?

The way you raise your black lab puppy will determine how they interact with other people, including strangers. They could grow uncomfortable around strangers if they are unfamiliar with other people besides your household.

The result could be a tendency to bark at strangers, which can be unpleasant when taking your dog out in public or having guests over the house.

However, a black lab is more likely to respond positively to strangers by running up to them for attention. This is a friendly breed that prefers attention over confrontation and likes to act welcoming to others.

But it’s a generalization for the breed when analyzing labs and their barking. Exceptions exist, and some black labs are born with more aggressive traits and behaviors that can only be fixed through training.

Do Black Labs Bark At Other Dogs?

This is another example of why proper training and socialization are critical for a black lab. If you notice your dog barking a lot at other dogs, they didn’t get enough training or interaction with other dogs at a young age.

Some barking is expected, especially if they want to play and run around the yard with the other dog. But aggressive barking is a different issue that could indicate improper training and poor social skills.

Your black lab might bark a lot at other dogs when they are home, looking to protect and guard the property. This is a common habit and isn't something you should see as bad behavior.

Can You Train A Lab To Stop Barking?

You can train your lab to stop barking, but it requires patience and a proper training strategy. Try implementing some of these tips to find success.

Determine Why Your Lab Barks A Lot

The first thing that you’ll want to do is to figure out why your lab is barking. Sometimes they bark because of a genuine need, like trying to go outside to do their business.

However, if the barking is due to boredom or restlessness, training is required to help your black lab grow out of this habit.

Use Positive Reinforcement

In nearly all types of training, you should use positive reinforcement. This means that when your lab isn’t barking, you reward them.

This can be something as simple as praise or a treat. This step is essential because to teach your lab to be quiet, they’ll need to know what good behavior is, and positive reinforcement is the way to identify it.

Teach Your Lab A Silence Command

Some type of silence command should be implemented during the basics of obedience training. You can use “quiet” as the trigger word and reward your dog with a treat when they obey.

This is helpful in the future when your doorbell rings or there is a knock at the door. After a few barks, your dog will obey and receive a treat for compliance.

Improve Your Lab’s Social Skills

Whether you need to bring your dog to a local park or send them to doggy daycare, increasing its exposure to other dogs is an effective way to help with excessive barking.

This will desensitize your lab to the presence of others, so they are less likely to bark a lot when they see other dogs outside.

Do Black Labs Grow Out Of Barking?

Black Labs are unlike any other dog breed, and they have a unique personality that is difficult to match with different dog breeds. They are loyal, energetic, and intelligent and make for a great family pet.

Older age won’t suddenly result in less barking if they have poor social skills with other strangers or dogs. They can grow out of barking as they age and receive more training. But without training, they won’t drop this habit.

As a puppy, black labs are commonly known to bark right away in the morning to wake up their owners. This is partly because of boredom, nervousness, and a need to go outside.

As your dog gets older and becomes better equipped to wait longer to go outside to use the bathroom, this habit goes away. So they will bark less as they grow.

What Causes Black Labs To Bark A Lot?

There are many reasons why a lab might bark, but for it to become an excessive behavior, it’s likely triggered by over-excitement, lack of attention, fear, stress, or boredom.

Over Excitement

Labs will bark when you get home often due to over-excitement because they are so happy to see you. This behavior isn’t something to be worried about and isn’t easy to get rid of because of the nature of this breed.

Lack Of Attention

Lack of attention for your black lab can result in barking. They develop separation anxiety faster than other dog breeds, so excessive barking is possible if you don’t give your lab enough attention.

Fear Or Stress

If a dog gets stressed out or scared, it will bark a lot. This is true for all breeds, so intruders or storms can lead to more barking.

Training your dog to be comfortable with other dogs and people will reduce fear, stress, and barking.


The high energy levels of black labs mean they get bored easier than other breeds. Daily exercise is critical, or they could become heavy barkers due to boredom.